The ToneKats first performance at Hoover Jam (Toucan) showcases originals

After a hiatus of nearly a year, The ToneKats come out strong at the Toucan, playing to a full house with new drumming sensation Vidal Ortiz-Rangel (Apollo). Following local phenom Rae Corcoran, and just before the Talking heads-like band'The Thugees", the ToneKats opened with "Easy Road", and launched into a 40 minute set which included : You Didn't Come Home", "World Turns Around", "I Won't Compromise and ended with "I Don't Know" to raucous crowd applause. The event was organized to honour former Kingston musician Michael Hoover and support Joe's Mill..
The following Saturday, the new ToneKats (now a trio), performed to another full house at the Blu Martini with guests Hayley Paul who sang "Seven Nation Army" and Ange Dimtses from the Toronto band "One Night Stand" on bass for "Keep your hands to yourself" and "I saw her standing there". Video was taken and we will be sharing posts on YOu Tube and facebook of some of the performances.